NEWSLETTER 6, June 2020
Another week of lockdown has come and gone, and we move slowly into the gradual relaxation of the restrictions. Whilst this is welcome news in some areas, e.g. being able to see family and friends in small groups and at a safe distance, it means adjusting to more changes. This time we take you through some of those changes.
Updated Symptoms
The main symptoms of coronavirus have been updated to the following:
High temperature – i.e. you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
New continuous cough – i.e. coughing for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. If you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual.
Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – i.e. you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell and taste different to normal.
Most people will have at least one of these symptoms. Read more here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/
NHS Test and Trace Service
If you develop these symptoms, however mild, or are in a household where someone has symptoms, you should self-isolate, as should everyone in your household. Do not leave home, or go to work, follow the Governments’ self-isolation advice and ask for a test. If a test is negative, then isolation is no longer required.
Anyone with symptoms who tests positive will be contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service or local public health teams via a text, email or phone. They will be asked for the contact details of anyone they’ve been in close proximity to (less than 2 metres for 15 minutes or more) and about places they have visited. Anyone considered at risk of catching the virus will then be contacted and told to self-isolate for 14 days whether they have symptoms or not. The rest of their household does not have to self-isolate unless someone in the house becomes ill.
If you are contacted by the Test and Trace service as having been in contact with someone with the virus, you must follow these rules and stay at home and self-isolate whether you have symptoms or not.
AMRA Can Help
If you find yourself having to self-isolate for 14 days and unable to do your shopping and / or carry out essential tasks, then AMRA is here for you. We have willing volunteers who will kindly help you with shopping, collecting prescriptions, etc. Simply ring 07943 260074 or email amracv2020@gmail.com and we will put someone in touch with you.
And this is an appropriate time to say ‘thank you’ to all those volunteers who are helping friends and neighbours at this time. Communities have never felt stronger.
Lockdown Events
Friday Quiz Night
Our fortnightly quiz nights are underway, and our neighbourhood is proving to be a font of knowledge of all things great and small, including film, sport, history, geography, food & drink and our fine county.
The next one will take place on Friday 19 June from 7.30pm, and the Zoom room will be open from 7.15pm.
Zoom is a great way to catch up with friends from the safety of your own home via video. If you would like some help in installing and using the software, then contact AMRA and someone will assist, from a suitable social
distance. Zoom details will be
sent nearer the time.
Friday Night Wine and Conversation
If quizzing is not your thing, then how about meeting up with friends and neighbours for a glass of wine (or beverage of your choice) and a chat about whatever is on your mind.
The next one will take place on Friday, 12 June from 7:30pm, and the Zoom room will be open from 7:15.
Tuesday Zoom Cafe
Our next Zoom cafe is Tuesday 16 June at 10:00am and it takes place every Tuesday morning there after.

Keeping in touch
Ways to contact us
Our dedicated AMRA Website contains up to date information on grocery shopping, delivery services for essential items such as food and prescriptions, as well as some useful Apps to download, such as the Crowdless App which allows you to check when the local supermarket is less busy and so avoid those queues.
Some of you may have seen this showcased on the local BBC news on Thursday night as it has been built by some local Oxford based developers.
Access the AMRA website here: amrauk.org
(Old :https://amracv2020.wixsite.com/mysite)
Our Facebook Group is up and running as well and can be found by searching for
AMRA [Abingdon Marina Residents Association].
Our dedicated phone line is 07943 260074.
Or you can send an email to

What would you like from AMRA during these lockdown days?
AMRA exists for you, its members, so if there is something you would like us to be doing during these peculiar days, then contact us on one of the methods above. The Committee is always glad to hear from you, and we will be equally glad to see you via computer screens for now, and then in person again in due course.
Stay Alert. Stay Safe. And we will meet again.