NEWSLETTER 1, March 2024
Message from the Chair, Ramola Sundram
I would like to thank Delia Evans, the former Chair, for her tireless work. I joined AMRA because it provided me with the opportunity to enjoy events with others and to help the wider community.
My particular interests are the creative arts and languages. I have taught in secondary and primary schools and have been the programme coordinator for an international charity. As explained in previous newsletters, AMRA has done far more than organise social events. Charities certainly benefit from the money we raise. For example, the raffle at our Christmas party, which was attended by over sixty members, raised £225 for The Abingdon Bridge. Gratitude must go to the raffle prize donators and helpers including Santa and Elf

Tom (AMRA committee member) and Ramola
Photo: Lilibeth Newham

Santa and Barry
Photo: Ramola Sundram
Big Help Out is a campaign to showcase how volunteering benefits both communities and those who take part. It is taking place across the UK from 7th to 9th June. AMRA plans to carry out activities throughout the year as well as in June, including Garden Guerillas (tidying up communal areas and/or helping a neighbour), collections for the local food bank, Macmillan Coffee Morning and litter picking in the surrounding area. If you have other ideas let us know. The fabulous part about AMRA is that all the volunteers give up their time so readily. A special thanks to: Gordon Weekes and David Snowdon who have kindly tended to some green areas; the AMRA Committee who look after our membership, finances, newsletters, website and Facebook; our Social Committee who organise the parties and create delicious food and the Neighbourhood Watch Team who keep an eye out for us throughout the year. Photos: Lilibeth Newham
It was agreed at the December AGM that the cost per year of AMRA membership will now be £15 which is still a bargain! Information is on the tear-off slip below.
AMRA’s programme for 2024.
Free to members. Friends and family - £7 each.
Email amra.social@yahoo.com to notify us of your attendance by the date indicated.
April 12th St Helen’s Church Hall, 7pm. It’s always fine with cheese and wine! Email by 29/3/24.
This is a chance to meet each other informally at our first gathering of the year. A short talk will be given by The Abingdon Bridge. £240 was raised at our 2023 Boatnic for this charity which enables young people to have the resilience to help overcome life’s challenges.
July 13th (to be confirmed) The Boatnic. (Angie Goodman will confirm with further details).
Hop on your own boat or hitch a ride. Meander down the river to Day’s Lock, enjoying a picnic and the British weather! Free for every one.
August 17th, Rugby club, 1pm Grillin’ and chillin’ at the Summer Barbecue Email by 3/8/24.
(Veg. options available) £181 from the ’23 party went to Homeless Oxfordshire (Abingdon)
December 6th, Rugby club, 7pm Let the festivities begin! Email by 22/11/24.
Our popular Christmas party. Fun, friends and great food.