All residents – owners or tenants- are welcome to join the Residents’ Association and attend the AGM (December) and we very much hope that you will consider joining us. Membership is £15 per person. Please contact the Membership Secretary if you would like to join AMRA or have any questions about the Association. Membership Secretary – Tom Hardy (tomrw.hardy@btinternet.com)
Time to renew your AMRA Membership
Membership of AMRA costs £15 per person, per year, and this becomes due in April of each year. The annual subscription of £15 can be paid by BACS to AMRA’s account number 63783863, sort code 30-98-97, name: Abingdon Marina Residents Association. Please note that this is a Business Account. Please use the payment reference box to show your name and address. For more information, contact our Membership Secretary, Tom Hardy, on Tomrw.Hardy@btinternet.com. Alternatively, feel free to write a cheque payable to AMRA, and to deliver it to Tom Hardy at 20 West Quay. Please complete the following details with your cheque:
Name: email address……………………………………
Address: phone number……………………………………..