Autumn mist at sunrise
Photo by Tim Baker

NEWSLETTER 5, November 2023
Welcome to our last newsletter of this year; it’s been a good year in general, though we feel for those who have suffered from floods recently. I think that we are finally out of those restrictive covid years and we can now relax and enjoy life somewhat more.
AMRA Christmas Party and AGM
Friday 15th December at 7.30pm at the Abingdon Rugby Club
Our final event for this year is the AMRA Christmas Party, preceded by our short AGM, which will be held on Friday 15th December at 7.30pm at the Abingdon Rugby Club. Let’s make it a special party this year, shall we? Christmas is such a fun time and our Christmas Party promises to be that with lots of entertainment and a chance for us all to see one another again (and we might even get a visit from Father Christmas and one of his elves!) There will also be our usual raffle - any contributions for prizes will be most welcome.
The AGM is the opportunity for the general committee to bring you up to date on how we have spent your subscriptions and on other activities during the year. One of the items I would like you to consider is whether we should raise the subscriptions next year from £12 per head to £15. Costs are rising quite a lot and, just £5 for each of the three events at which we cater during the year is not a lot for us all to pay.
Another thing to be covered at the AGM is the election of members to the general committee; you will remember that in our new constitution, all current members who have served for three years must resign, but may stand again for re-election. This year, this will include Tom Hardy and Nick Newham, both of whom do sterling work on our behalf. Luckily, they have agreed to stand for another term, but if anyone else wishes to stand they can do so.
Sadly, my three-year term of office as Chair of AMRA has also finished and, although I have found being your chairman most enjoyable, I will not be standing for re-election. Therefore, if anyone would like to consider the role, would they please inform our secretary, Nick (Nick’s e-mail address is I would, of course, be happy to discuss what being Chair entails.
After the AGM, we will be having a short talk from Gill Dean, of The Abingdon Bridge (TAB) to tell us about the wonderful work they do with young people aged between 13 and 25 to help them overcome some of life’s challenges. This is one of our charities that we support throughout the year.
Could I please ask you to let Laura know if you are coming to the AGM and the Christmas Party and if you are bringing any guests (£5 a head) so that the committee can cater for all. Guests are welcome to listen to the AGM, but, of course, do not have voting rights. We look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Party. Thank you. Delia
AMRA Events in 2023
Our social calendar started really well this year with our Big Lunch in the Park to celebrate the king’s coronation. I hope that you enjoyed the cake and bubbles as much as I did. We were lucky with the weather for the Boatnic at Day’s Lock in July. It was a great day to be with you all, and we had a good turnout of boats.
Following on from that came the annual Summer Party at the end of August at which we all enjoyed a glass of Pimms and a delicious, summery buffet lunch prepared for us by our great social committee. We are always grateful for the support of Abingdon Rugby Club for providing us with an excellent, local venue with a well-stocked bar and great outdoor space.

The AMRA Summer Party at the Abingdon Rugby Club Photos: Lilibeth Newham
Future events coming in 2024
The Social Committee is considering the following events for AMRA members in 2024:
Wine and Cheese Party, 22nd March 2024 at the Rugby Club
A visit to the Abingdon Distillery, in Coxeter’s House
A group booking to the Abbey Cinema,
And possibly a group outing to the theatre in Oxford
So, let’s make 2024 a year for us all to remember.