Newsletter 3 - May 2022
Message from the Chair of AMRA
Greetings to all.
AMRA business started off this year with the AGM for 2020-21, which we finally held in March, followed by an SGM. This was an important meeting as the committee wanted to present the new and improved constitution. There was a brilliant turnout from you all, considering the weather, and you agreed to ratify the new constitution unanimously. Thank you.
Sadly we had to cancel the Cheese and Wine party in April because only 5 people told Laura that they were planning to attend. It was frustrating that quite a few of you told me that you had been planning to come after we had cancelled! The social committee had put in a lot of work organising this event, so it was a shame that it had to be cancelled. Do please let us know at least a week before an event if you plan to attend so that we can plan the catering and avoid cancellation fees.

Sign of spring – a proud mother watches her brood Photo: Len Humm
Our next special party is coming up very quickly – the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party (see below for more information). Do please try to come to celebrate our Queen’s long reign at this Jubilee Street Party, and, do please let us know if you are coming and whether you plan to bring children and non AMRA family and friends.
Finally, we were wondering if you like us to hold a late summer party near the end of August. Please let me know what you think and, if you have any ideas for other social events, add those too. Contact me at Delia3@btinternet.com. Here’s hoping to see lots of you at our future events. Delia Evans
Membership reminder
Membership of AMRA costs £12 per person, per year, and this becomes due in April of each year. The annual subscription can be paid by BACS to AMRA’s account number 63783863, sort code 30-98-97, name: Abingdon Marina Residents Association. Please note that this is a Business Account and is a changed account from last year, so those members with Standing Orders will need to make adjustments to their Order. Please use the payment reference box to show your name and address. For more information please contact our Membership Secretary, Tom Hardy, on Tomrw.Hardy@btinternet.com. Alternatively, please feel free to write a cheque payable to AMRA, and to deliver it to Tom Hardy at 4 South Quay. Please include the following details with your cheque:
Name, email address, address and phone number.

Screen shot of the AMRA website Photo Gallery

AMRA’s website and Facebook page
Please do make use of the AMRA website: AMRAUK.org. You can also Google search for it using ‘AMRA Abingdon’. We have news of future activities including our new book club and the summer Jubilee Street Party. We are also regularly adding to our Helpful Information Section.
AMRA also has a Facebook page which is frequently updated with useful local information. The Facebook page is accessible to paid up AMRA members only – please contact Sandra North on senorth@hotmail.co.uk if you would like to be added to those who can access this Facebook page.
The Abingdon Foodbank
The Abingdon Foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, and across the UK. AMRA has supported the Abingdon Foodbank throughout the COVID lockdowns. During this time AMRA member, Sue Cutler, worked tirelessly, volunteering for the bank and coordinating local food drop-offs for delivery to the bank. Our grateful thanks go to Sue.
The Abingdon Foodbank relies on your goodwill and support. Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public – that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to ensure it can give everyone a balanced and nutritious three-day supply of food. Donations are still urgently needed and can now be made directly to the drop-off points detailed below. On their website you can find out which foodstuffs and domestic products are most needed: https://abingdon.foodbank.org.uk/
Waitrose Abingdon, Abbey Close, OX143HL, during shop hours
North Foodbank, Christ Church, Northcourt Rd, OX14 1PL Tues/Fri 10.00am to 1.00pm
South Foodbank, Preston Road Community Centre, OX145NR Weds 1.00pm to 2:30pm

AMRA Social events
Mad Hatters Tipsy Tea Party - Sunday 5th June at 2:00 pm - North Quay
This year’s ‘summer do’ will be a street party to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Enjoy some afternoon tea with a complimentary glass of Pimms. Wear your best, funniest, or favourite hat in honour of Her Majesty. There will a prize for the best one.
We will take part in the Queen’s Cake Competition. Make a cake (or buy one from M&S!) and bring it along. After judging, all cakes will be sold and devoured at the tea party. Money collected will be donated to Sobell House in memory of Brenda Standen, formerly a resident of North Quay.
Music from a bygone year will be played. Dancing is optional! Remember to bring your favourite tipple to make the party go with a real swing. Attendance is free to all AMRA members and children. Your friends and family are welcome at £5.00 per head.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend, so that we can get the catering numbers right. Please e-mail amra.social@yahoo.com. Please also bring your own chairs when you come.
Boatnic 23rd July at Day’s Lock
The Boatnic will be returning to Days Lock this year. Make a picnic, grab your boater, cast-off or hitch a ride with a neighbour. There will be a collection for the charity ‘The Abingdon Bridge’.
Please let Angie Goodman know if you are attending, taking your boat, have extra room for a few neighbours or would like a place on one of the AMRA fleet and she will be happy to help. Angie is on 07734 034131 or e-mail goodmanangela46@gmail.com

Book Club
“When a good book ends, the conversation begins.”
New members are always welcome to the AMRA Book Club. If you interested in attending please let us know on amra.social@yahoo.com
Future events in the pipeline:
Loose Cannon Quiz: Quiz Night at our local brewery
Theatre Evening: An evening at the theatre with Group discounted tickets
Charity Coffee Morning: September/October - more info to follow

Well-being Walks, Mondays at 10:30 from Abbey Gardens
Want to be more active? Has lockdown affected your well-being and are you looking to be more mobile and socialise with people? Join the Well-being Walks who offer free walks in Abingdon. Meet up on Mondays at 10:30 at the Abbey Gardens bottom gate (end of Abbey Close). There is no need to book – just turn up!
There are walks to suit all abilities:
Option 1. Slow pace 30 minute walk with opportunities to stop on benches.
Option 2. Gentle pace 1 hour walk.
Option 3. Gentle pace 45 minute slightly longer walk.
All walks follow COVID-19 safety guidelines.
For more information, please e-mail: active.communities@southandvale.gov.uk
AMRA Charities
Charities chosen to be supported this year are:
The Abingdon Bridge charity
The Abingdon Bridge is championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people aged 13-25 across the Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire.
Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world's leading cancer charity dedicated to saving lives through research, influence and information.
Maggie’s Oxford
Maggie’s offers the best possible support free to anyone with cancer and their families who walk through their doors. You'll find our centres alongside NHS hospitals and they can also support you online.
Support Ukraine UK
The people of Ukraine have been plunged into war as Russia invaded their country.
Sobell House
Sobell House offer specialist palliative care to those facing life threatening illness, death and bereavement in Oxfordshire. In memory of Brenda Standen, a former long-term resident of North Quay.