Newsletter 5 May 2020)

In this Newsletter there is an invitation to join the AMRA Quiz tomorrow evening, the virtual Zoom coffee morning next week and there is also some more useful information to help see us through the lockdown. All up to date information will be on our website which is here: https://amracv2020.wixsite.com/mysite/start-page.
We have also launched a Facebook page. This is a closed group for AMRA members only. Find it by searching for ‘AMRA’ or click on this link to access the AMRA page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/585675475398680/
Fancy putting your general knowledge to the test, and exercising those little grey cells during lockdown? Then join Claire Heald, our Quiz master, for the AMRA Quiz this Friday 22nd May starting at 7:30pm. The Zoom room will be open from 7.15 pm. Click on the link below to join us on Zoom:
Pour a glass or cup of your favourite tipple and join us from the comfort of your home via Zoom. No prior experience is necessary, either of quizzes or Zoom!
And if you would like to ask the questions next time then let us know, and we’ll add you to our list of expert quizmasters. See you there!
Claire Heald, our Quiz master!
Face masks
Sourcing face masks has become increasingly difficult but one of our members, Robin Campbell, has acquired a limited quantity of disposable face masks which he is offering for sale exclusively to our members at £40.00 per box of 50 masks. These are very competitively priced for a mask which meets NHS guidelines. This is not a profit making exercise - just covering purchasing costs.
Please contact Robin Campbell on 07802 551127 or robin.campbell084@btinternet.com for any further information.
Keep safe.
Information updates
AbiMeds is a free prescription delivery service in Abingdon. At present it will deliver your prescriptions from Boots, Jhoots or Lloyds in Peachcroft. Tesco has also just joined the scheme. Eventually it aims to cover all pharmacies in Abingdon and it delivers to Abingdon and the outlying villages.
Just phone 01865 818351 between 09.00 -16.00, Monday to Saturday for deliveries to your house on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. Your details are submitted securely to the relevant pharmacy; they are collected by Abimeds and delivered to you by a cyclist.
More information is available on their website: https://www.abingdon.gov.uk/abingdon-news/abingdon-thames-town-council/introducing-abimeds
The marina’s family of cygnets in early May: sadly they are now down to four. (Photo: Neil Halliway)

Useful Apps
Crowdless has just been released from Oxford University and is a great idea. It shows you how crowded the local supermarkets, and other shops, are and uses user feedback to increase the accuracy of the data.
The more people use it to feed back their information, the more accurate the data will be and the more stores will be covered. No more guessing how busy Tesco is going to be: you simply look it up. Search for Crowdless and install the free app.
COVID Symptom Study
To join in this study, search for the free app or get it at https://covid.joinzoe.com/
This app has 3,581,460 users to date. It is the only app monitoring the coronavirus in the community. It helps to identify high risk areas in the UK. It is also monitoring how fast the virus is spread. The researchers are feeding their information into the government on a daily basis. They also produce weekly webinars on their findings.
Just sign in daily and report you are well, or if you have any symptoms, then report them. It takes less than a minute each day, and is very easy to use.
This app is produced by Kings College London, Guy’s and St Thomas’s hospitals and Zoe Health Care.
AMRA ZOOM Café – a virtual coffee morning
Our first virtual coffee morning ZOOM Café will be held on Tuesday 26th May from 10.00 am to 11.30 am. This will be hosted by Delia Evans our Social Secretary. Please log on from the comfort of your homes and meet up. Your virtual invite will be sent out the day before.
Please also let know if you would be willing to host future virtual coffee mornings or afternoon tea and cake meet ups or even a Gin and Tonic or Wine evenings. It would be great to meet in these ways while we are all socially isolating. If you have any suggestions, do get in touch with Maryanne Steele at: mary-anne.steele@talk21.com. Zoom facilities will be provided.